Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I don't understand people in this world we live in. Yesterday two St Pete police officers were killed by a crazy man. They went to his house to serve him with a warrant and he opened fire! This happened at 8ish in the morning and they finally went back into the house around 2:30 in the afternoon to find the gunman dead inside the house.
I can't even imagine the pain that the officers families are going through. To know that they will never get to see their husband/father again is unbelievable! My heart really goes out to them.
It's things like this that make me really stop and think about my life. Am I living every day to the fullest? Am I doing the best I can to raise my children? Have I made all of the right decisions for them? The answer is the same for all of them, I don't know......
I need to make some changes in my life, I need to live better.
Here is what I plan to do from here on out:
1. Spend as much time with my kids as possible, even if it's just reading a book, make every day count.
2. Start living healthier. I am far beyond being healthy and I need to change this, for my kids. I need to be around for a long time and the way I am living is not the way to do it.
3. Try and be a better person......not sure what I am going to do about this yet, but I am doing some thinking on this one...